
St. Giles’ Church is in the heart of our local community, and with the help of staff and volunteers, we support people both within and outside of our congregation, providing a place of welcome and worship for many. Running a church comes with costs, not least those of keeping our beautiful and ancient building open and well maintained. To fund our work, we rely on donations from those whose generosity allows us to continue doing what we do.

If you would like to make a donation to St Giles’ Church, you can do this via our Give A Little campaign, or by making a donation directly to our bank account.

Via Give A Little

To make a donation via our Give A Little campaign, please click the following link which will direct you to our campaign’s page.

Via Our Bank

Our bank account details can be found below:

AccountSt Giles Parochial Church Council
BankVirgin Money, 81 Carlton Street, Castleford, WF10 1BW
Sort Code05-06-71
Account Number16172795

Please put your initials and surname as the payment reference.

These details can be used to make a one-off donation, or to set up a standing order. Regular planned giving allows us to budget for the longer term, knowing how much income we are likely to receive over the year.

Any and all donations are very gratefully received.